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Bis zu 50 % Rabatt: Deine Lieblingsprodukte warten im SALE!
Bis zu 50 % Rabatt: Deine Lieblingsprodukte warten im SALE!
Über uns

Über uns

nordic coast company ist eine Lifesyle Marke im nordisch schlichten Stil für Kindererstaustattung von 0-5 Jahren. Mit unserer Kollektion bringen wir Ruhe und Entspannung ins Kinderzimmer. Unser Motto: Wir wünschen Jedem das Glück einer unbeschwerten Kindheit für sein eigenes Zuhause.

Interview with the founder and managing director:

What does nordic coast company stand for?

Trixi: I grew up in Hamburg. At the weekend we often went on trips to the sea. I still remember the feeling when we children ran to the beach with joy on the first day of vacation. For me, the coast has always been a place of relaxation and security. Our products remind me of my childhood and reflect exactly this relaxed, happy lifestyle.

Trixi: We use high-quality cotton from the good old days with a new look, well thought out and durable. We not only paid attention to quality when choosing the materials, but also paired beautiful, traditional design with functionality. All of our products are tested by parents and make everyday life with children easier.

Even as a child, I watched my mother sew in her studio and later designed my first accessories, pillows and items of clothing: attention to detail and handmade are values ​​that I would like to incorporate into our products.

All of these things allow me to indulge in pleasant memories today and convey to me the feeling of a carefree childhood - the guiding principle of the nordic coast company.

How did you come up with the idea?

Trixi: When I became a mother, I looked for things that reminded me of my childhood attitude to life. I also discussed this topic with other mothers - with the same result: There are a lot of things that were childish, kitschy or overloaded, but no high-quality, affordable, simple things that reflect the happiness of our childhood. That's when the idea came to design something myself.

With the nordic coast company I would like to capture a piece of this happy childhood and bring it back into the children's room for our customers. For me and my team, our children are the source of our inspiration. Our own experiences and those from conversations with numerous parents flow into the appearance and, above all, functionality of our products.

Who is your collection for?

Trixi: Our collections are for parents who want to maintain their lifestyle and furnishing style even with children; for everyone who likes things simple, but loves small, fine details and appreciates high-quality materials. The whole thing should still remain affordable.

What do you like about your collection?

Trixi: I like the child-friendly and easy-care materials we use. Simply put it in the washing machine, then in the dryer and back into the children's room without much ironing. You can also combine all items with each other.

What is special about your collection?

Trixi: We not only paid attention to quality when choosing the materials, but also paired beautiful design with functionality. All of our products are tested by parents and make everyday life with children easier.

Can you give an example?

Trixi: Gladly, even more than one example: Our nursing pillows also serve as nests and can be tied together at the bottom. The towel on the changing mat has a waterproof coating on the bottom, is extra large and can be quickly replaced. Our muslin blankets are both a swaddle blanket and a premium burp cloth in one and our bed nests can be attached to any baby and children's bed at any height (even those with a closed back panel) without the straps becoming too short. In addition, it does not sag after a short period of time. In addition, like the changing mat, it has small loops for toys so that the little ones have something to look at or play with when they wake up.

Which is your personal favorite product?

Trixi: I am thrilled with our sleeping bags. We invested a lot of time to achieve the right mix of material, perfect fit and price and we succeeded! Our customers have given us very positive feedback, both for the fit and the ease of care. That makes it my personal highlight.

Thank you for the interview!

Ein Schwung aus dem Leben: Trixi´s key facts

1.   Im Büro trage ich gern bunt oder auch schwarz mit Biker Boots

(Ich habe sogar einen Motorradführerschein), auf den Messen bin ich passend zur Firma immer sportlich in Pastelltönen zu sehen.

2.   Ich habe eine Zwillingsschwester.

3.   Mein Spitzname als Kind war Pupsi-Eierkuchen, weil ich die Kleinste der Familie war und mit vier bereits meine Leibspeise, die Pfannenkuchen, selbst backen konnte.

4.   Ich hatte nach meinem ersten Kind eine Unverträglichkeit gegen rohes Eiweiß und nach dem zweiten Kind gegen Avocado. Beides ist wieder weg.

5.   In Mathe war ich miserabel - heute rechne ich vom Stoffverbrauch
bis zur Lagerplanung und Container-Befüllung täglich alles Mögliche aus.

6.   Ich spreche neben Englisch auch fließend Spanisch und erziehe die Kinder
mit meinem spanischen Mann bilingual.

7.   Meerrettich, Leber und Sellerie kann ich nicht ausstehen.

8.   Ich komme aus einer Modefamilie.

9.   Wenn ich kurze Wege allein laufe, renne ich diese gern (war als Kind schon so).

10. Meine Geschwister und ich haben die besten Partys geschmissen. Sie werden bis heute zitiert und haben Kultstatus.

11. Jeder aus meiner Familie ist selbstständig - jeder mit etwas anderem.

12. Ich schreibe Kindergeschichten und Theaterstücke, die ich mit anderen Müttern auf Kindergartenfesten aufführe.

13. Meine Kinder werden jeden Tag abgeknutscht - ob sie wollen oder nicht.

14. Ich kaufe nie Schokolade. Wenn sie dann doch da ist, hält sie nur 1 Tag.

15. Grüne Wiesen im Instagram-Feed sind verboten - auch wenn ich sie privat liebe.

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